Claudius Richbourg & Unity Fox [ Up ]

(Compiled from various sources by Jean Grunewald and borrowed from Dianne Blankenstein pages)

 CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG was the son of Anne Chastain and Rev. Claude Philippe de Richebourg who came from England (originally from France) about 1700. In the 1850’s CLAUDIUS fought the Cherokees in the Indian wars. His sons fought in the Revolutionary War. John was a Captain and son Henry fought for both sides. For this he was exiled to England, but was pardoned and allowed to return.

Son James was Justice of Peace – Camden Dist. 1791 & son William was Commissioned as sheriff of Clarendon Co. 1 Oct 1789. He was also Justice of the Quorum & he left a large estate.

CLAUDIUS served in Indian War of 1759-60, under the Command of Col. Richard Richardson, and it is believed for this service, received in 1765 one of the earliest land grants in Sumter Dist, on headwaters of Jack’s Creek, a branch of the Santee River.

Revolutionary Claims in the Lower South–p. 37 – A list of property taken or destroyed by Indians belonging to Nathaniel Richbourg who was killed at Ft. Mims on 30 August 1813 ($1,207.00) by son Wade.


RICHBOURG, CLAUDIUS P. 15 Sumter Co. Grant 1765

HISTORY OF SUMTER COUNTY Anne King Gregorie p. 15
A number of the later settlers of the Wateree came from the Huguenot families of French Jamestown on the Santee. CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG obtained grants in 1765.


Claudius Richbourgh by  Hon. Sam J. Ervin, Jr.   (As found in the The Richbourg Family of South Carolina)



CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG of Clarendon made his Will 2-16-1778, prb. 9-6-1788; to Son Henry Richbourg 1 negro; to son James Richbourg 1 negro; to son John Richbourg 1 negro; to son Nathaniel Richbourg 1 negro; to son William Richbourg 1 negro; to daughter Unity Gayle 1 negro; to daughter Susannah Richbourg 1 negro; to wife Unity…after wife’s death divided between all children; Execs. : 3 sons Henry, James, John Richbourg; Witn.: R. G. Dennis, Jos. Joyner, Thos. Avery. (2)

3-27-1790, Henry, James & John Richbourg, Execs. of dec’d CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG sold to Thos. Cassity 200 a. on Jacks Cr., bd: S&E – John Richbourg, N-Richard Singleton, being part of 2 tracts:1) granted 10-12-1771 to John Sullivan, 2) granted CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG 1-9-1765; Plat: CLAUDIUS had laid off these 200 acres to his son William Richbourg, Wntn.: George Brunson, Henry White. (3) CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG bought 8-20/21-1774 from John Sullivan 500 a. (on Jacks Cr.) in Craven Co., granted John Sulivan 10/12/1771, bound: W – Jas Evans and CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG, N – James Richbourg, all other sides vacant; Witn.: Joseph Fox, William Thomson (4): on 11-8-1799, Henry and James Richbourg sold 300 of these acres to John Richbourg (5). 9-3-1828 David Hopper dec’d sold to Wm. A. Colclough 268 acres in Clarendon on Horsepond Savannah – the most northwest half of original grant to CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG for 300 acres on 8-7-1753 (6). The only grant found for CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG: 10-17-1753 survey for CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG for 300 a. north of Santee, bound by all vacant land (7): granted 1-9-1755 (8). His land on Horsepond Savannah bounded by Richard Mims 2-4-1756 (9). 3-6-1762 John Evans land on Jacks Cr. bounded by “path to Richbourg’s water mill.” (10) 1788 Tax List for Clarendon: James Richbourg for the Estate of CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG – 11 slaves and 300 acres. (11) From the index to early deeds registered in Charleston there are 2 from CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG to Moses Thompson: Book N-4, p. 439 1774-75 and Book P-4, p. 533 1775-77. (12)

“There is an advertisement in the Gazette of March 17, 1764 offering a tract of 200 acres of land in St. James, Santee, for sale. This advertisement was placed by CLAUDIUS RICHEBOURG, and recites that it was originally a tract of land granted to John Barnett in 1705, who conveyed it to my mother, Anne de Richbourg and directs that anyone interested treat with Mr. Peter Porcher in Charles Towne, where the deeds may be seen, or with the subscriber in St. Mark’s Parish, about 25 miles from Nelson’s Ferry. It is signed by Claudius Richebourg.

Comments: If Miss Revill was correct in copying the Memorial – CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG was married to an Elizabeth in 1745, making her the probable mother of some of the sons at least. John Richbourg’s Rev. War pension establishes his birthyear as 1747 – he is listed 3rd in CLAUDIUS’s Will. If CLAUDIUS named the sons in order of birth – there is hardly time for the 2 – Henry and James – to be sons of UNITY – providing of course that UNITY was mother of John.

(1) TRANSACTIONS OF THE HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, No. 78, published Columbia 1973: “The Richbourg Family of South Carolina”, Sam J. Ervin,,Jr., p. 70.

(2) Sumter, S.C., Wills AA, 209 per late Wilhelm Von Hacke – hence as VH.

(3) Sumter, Conv. A, 278 per VH.

(4) Sumter, Conv. AA, 176 per VH.

(5) Sumter, Conv. AA, 178 per VH.

(6) Sumter, Conv. H, 24 per VH.

(7) S.C. Archives, Plat Bk RII, 457 per VH.

(8) S.C. Archives, Grant Bk 6, 229 per VH.

(9) S.C. Archives, Plat Bk 6, 90 per VH.

(10) S.C. Archives, Plat Bk 7, 436 per VH.

(11) Von Hacke file for CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG – no source.

(12) AN INDEX TO DEEDS OF THE PROVINCE AND STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA 1719-1785 AND CHARLESTON DISTRICT 1785-1800, Silas E. Lucas Jr., Easley, S.C. 1977: p. 380.

(13) SUMTER DISTRICT, Janie Revill, Columbia 1968; p. 9; Source cited as Memorial Vol. 7, p. 486.

(14) Xerox of actual papers of Rev. War Pension Application for John Richbourg, on file General Service Adm., Washington, D.C.


Charleston, South Carolina Bk N-4 p439-44 & Bk P-4 p533-7

Claudius Richbourg & Wife This Indenture made the tenth day to of Sept in the year of our Lord one Moses Thompson, Release Thousand seven Hundred and seventy four and in the Fourteenth year of the reign of our Soverign Lord George the third by the Grace of God & Great Britton France & Ireland King Defender of faith & so forth Between CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG & UNITY his wife in St. marks Parish in Craven County & in the Province of South Carolina Planter of the one part & Thompson in Raven County in the Province of North Carolina Planter of the other part Witnesseth that in hand in consideration of the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds current money of the Province to him the sd CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG & UNITY his wife in Hand by the sd Moses Thompson at & before the Sealing & Delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof the sd CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG & UNITY his wife doth hereby acknowledge & thereof every part & part & parcel thereof doth Execute acquit release & discharge the sd Moses Thompson his heirs Executors & admors & every of them power by these Presents they the sd CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG & UNITY his wife hath granted Bargained sold aliened released & confirmed & by these presents doth fully clearly & absolutely grant bargain sell alien release & confirm unto the sd Moses Thompson in his Bargain & sale to him thereof made by the sd CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG & UNITY his wife for one whole year by Indenture therein bearing Date the Day next before the day of the sale of these& by and of the Therefore hereby to accept & take a grant & release of the Revision & Inheritance of the same & his heirs forever. In witness whereof the sd parties to these presents have moreunto Interchangeably set their Hand & seal the Day & year first above written       CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG LS Joseph Fox

Peter Hatchet Received the day & year within written of the above named Moses Thompson five shillings it being thefor the consideration money within mentioned CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG

Camden District & personally appeared being named duly made oath known be CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG Sign seal & deliver the within lease or Instrument of writing to Moses Thompson & that he did see the sd CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG sign the Receipt herein desired for consideration money & that here with this did subscribe their names as witness at the same time recorded that known this 20 Oct 1774 before me Examined the           7 Day of Nathl Moore J.P.                         February 1775



This Indenture made  to Moses Thompson – Lease – the ninth day of September in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred & Seventy four in the Fourteenth year of the reign of Soverign Lord George the third the Grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland King Defender of the faith & so forth Between CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG & UNITY his wife in craven County in St. marks Parish & in the Province of South Carolina Planter of the one part & Moses Thompson in Rowan Co. in the Province of North Carolina of the other part Witnesseth that for & in consideration of the sum of five shillings lawful current money to the sd province to him in hand will and truly paid by the sd Moses Thompson at & before the sealing & delivery hereof the receipt whereof whereby acknowledged hath Bargained & sold & by these presents doth Bargain & sell unto the sd Moses Thompson his executors Admrs & assigns a certain Plantation or Tract of land situate lying & being in Craven County the North side of Santee River. Bounding at the time of the original survey thereof on all sides vacant lands running from a line NW 40 56 chs 77 links to a stake then North East 50.54 chs 77 links to a stake thence SE 40.54 chains 77 links to a line. Thence SE 40.44 chains 77 links to a line thence SW 50.44 chs 77 links to the beginning part running three hundred acres be the same more or less as by and grant thereof under the seal of the N province bearing date the ninth day of January in the year of our lord one Thousand Seven Hundred & fifty five of reference there unto had will use fully and at large together with all & singular the gardens orchards farming? wells? under waters water courses Easements Hereditaments & appurtenances whatsoever to the sd three hundred acres of land belonging or in any wise appertaining & the revision & revisions remainder & remainders thereof and every part & parcel thereof to have & to hold the sd plantation or tract of land & all & singular other the before mentioned & Intended to be hereby bargained & sold & ?way tract & parcel thereof with these & every of these appurtenances unto the sd Moses Thompson his heirs executors Admrs and assigns from the Day what before the day of the date of these presents for & during the full year & unto the full & sum of one whole year from thense next commencing & fuly to be completed &* yielding & thereof unto the sd CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG his Executors & the rent of one Pepper Corn on the last Day of the sd Term of the Time shall be lawfully demanded to the intent & purpose that the sd Moses Thompson by virtue Thereof & by force of the for Transfering into may be in the of Transfer herein before mentioned & Interest to be hereby began & sold & every part & parcel thereof with them of their & maybe unto his heirs and assigns forever all that tract of land or Plantation lying & Situate & being in Craven County the North side of Santee River at the time of the thereof on all named lands running from a large Pine NW 40.44 chs 77 links to a stake thence NE 50.54 chs 77 links to a stake thence SE 40.56 chs 77 links to a Pine thence SW 50.50 chs 77 links to the Begining containing three hundred acres be the same more or less as by a Plat & grant thereof under the seal of the sd Province bearing date the ninth day of January in the year of our lord one thousand Seven hundred & fifty five as of record reference therein to had all more fully and at large appear together with all ?road ?Singular the gardens orchards Fences ways with waters water houses Execments? profits commodities advantages & Heriditaments & appurtenances whatsoever to the sd Belonging or in any way appertaining & the revision & revisions Remainder & Remainders Rents House & Profits thereof & of any Part & parcel thereof & also all the estate right title interest Possession Properly profit claim ?Donand whatsoever either in law or Equity of them the sd CLAUDIOUS RICHBURG & UNITY his wife of in unto the sd Premissor & all deeds Records & writings touching or in any wise bearing the same. To Have & to hold the sd described Plantation or tract of land & singular all & other the premises hereby granted & released & any part & member thereof with them & every of the appurtenances unto the sd Moses Thompson his heirs & assigns for ever the only proper use & behoof of him the sd Moses Thompson & of his heirs & assigns forever & to & for the we whatsoever & they th sd CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG & UNITY his wife & their Heirs Executors & administrators Doth con?ant forever and agree and to with the sd Moses Thompson his Heirs Executors Admrs. & assigns by these presents that they the sd CLAUDIUS RICHBURG & UNITY his wife was of the Town of & of their Seized true perfect & absolute Estate of in the transfer hereby granted & & that they have not or whatsoever whereby the sd three Hundred acres of land & Premises or any part parcel or member thereof on us shall or may be Impeached or or Estate or however Person or Persons whom in that they the sd CLAUDIUS RICHBURG & UNITY his wife with & absolute authority to grant & convey thereto the sd Moses Thompson his heirs & assigns in Manner & form aforesaid & that the sd Thompson More free & clear & party in acquitted & discharged of & from all & their grants bargain runways Judgment Exclusion& Incumbrances whatsoever to the hereof the rents to you our Soverign lord George the and one half Int in all the fold & silver mines ther of sd the king and further that they the P their heirs all and singular the hereby granted & released with these & every of them unto the Moses Thompson his heirs & assigns against them the sd CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG & UNITY his wife & their heirs & assigns Person & Persons whatsoever shall & will warrant & forever & defend by these presents & that they the sd CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG & UNITY his wife these shall & will at all hereafter or before the make of request & at the & of the sd Moses Thompson his heirs & assigns make consideration to be made done & executed all such further Reasonable for the future & & of With these appertances of me the sd Moses Thompson his heirs & assigns by the sd Moses Thompson his heirs & assigns only consideration with

Signed Whereof the Sd CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG & UNITY his wife by their hand this the Day & year first above written Sealed in the Presence




May recd by us Joseph Fox CLAUDIUS RICHBURG

Peter Millet Camden District Memorandum that on the 21 day of October 1774 Personally appeared before me Nathnl Moore one of her majesties Justices of the Peace for the sd District Peter Millet & duly made oath in the Holy Evangelists that he was present & did see CLAUDIUS RICHBURG & UNITY RICHBURG his wife sign seal & as their act & deed deliver the within release as Instrument of writing to Moses Thompson for the use within mentioned & that he did see CLAUDIUS RICHBURG sign the Warrant for the Consideration money & that he did see Joseph Fox within himself subscribe his name as witness therefore Recorded & Examd This the 8th Day of The day above mentioned                                      February 1775

Nathnl Morris J.P.


South Carolina)  Sumter District)  Know all men by these Presents that the CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG, Hugh Richbourg, Henry Richbourg and William Richbourg of the District and State aforesaid and and firmly Bound unto William Taylor Esquire ordinary for the District of Sumter in the Full and Just sum of Eight thousand Dollars to be paid to the Said William Taylor or his of the district and together certain along or assigns to which payment will and hereby to be made, we bind ourselves and every of us and every of our heirs, Executors and administrators for the whole and in the whole jointly and Severally firmly by these Presents, sealed between our Seale and dated the twenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirteen and in the thirty-seventh year of American Independence.

The Condition of this obligation is said that if the above bounder CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG and Hugh Richbourg administrators of the goods Chattles and Credits of Captn. William Richbourg late of said District do make or cause to be made and have and perfect. Inventory of all and Singular the goods, Chattles together said Deceased, which have or shall come to the lands or possessions on knowledge of the said CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG and Hugh Richbourg or unto the hands or possessions of any other person for them and the same do exhibit unto the said county of ordinary for Sumter District at such time as they shall be thereunto required by the said county and the same goods chattles and credits do will and hereby administer according to law and made a Just and here account of their actings and doings when by law required and further do will and hereby pay all the debts of said Deceased as for as the said goods Chattels and credits to all the land and the law Require these this obligated to be paid or else it remain in full force and

Signed Sealed and Delivered         CLAUD RICHBOURG SEAL

In presents of Hugh Richbourg SEAL

Henry Richbourg Henry Richbourg SEAL

?Wm. Richbourg SEAL


South Carolina Department of Archives and History

  • Memorial of CLAUDIUS Memorials RICHBOURG Vol. 11, pg. 266 200 A. Craven, 17 June 1772 1 pg .35
  • CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG State Plats 498 A. – Camden Vol. 32, pg. 326 1 pg .35 Dec. 9, 1794
  • CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG State Grants 498 A. – Camden Vol. 41, pg. 69 1 pg .35 Jan. 5, 1795
  • CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG State Plats 486 A. – Sumter Vol. 38, pg. 288 1 pg .35 Mar. 9, 1801
  • CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG State Grants 486 A. – Sumter Vol. 47, pg. 265 1 pg .35 April 6, 1801
  • Deed ofLease & Release Charleston Co. Deeds 47′ CLAUDIUSRICHBURG & wife Vol. N-4 Wk 2182-83 pgs. 439-444 5 pgs 1.75
  • Lease& Release Charleston Co. Deeds 89′ CLAUDIUSRICHBOURG Vol. P-4 Wk 2182-83 to Moses Thompson pgs. 533-537 5 pgs 1.75
  • Deed of CLAUDIUS Sumter Co. Deeds 27′ RICHBOURG Vol. AA, pp. 176-177 SU. c.1 Roll 9 2 pgs .70
  • Deed ofHenry & Sumter Co. Deeds 27′ James Richbourg Vol. AA, pp. 178-179 SU. c.1 Roll 9 2 pgs .70
  • Will ofCLAUDIUS Sumter Co. Wills 22′ RICHBOURG Vol. 1,Book AA AD 554 pgs. 94 & 95 2 pgs .70
  • Indentureof John Sumter Co. Deeds 18′ Richbourg Executor of Vol. A, pp. 278-280 SU. c.1 Roll 1 CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG 3pgs 1.05
