Huguenot Society of South Carolina

(Compiled from various sources by Jean Grunewald and borrowed from Dianne Blankenstein pages)

Huguenot Society of South Carolina


Chovine Richardson Clark of Manning, South Carolina, a Committee member of the Huguenot Society of South Carolina, has deposited in the Library a Richbourg document which will be of great genealogical value to Richbourg records in that it seems to provide conclusive evidence as to the identity of the wife of CLAUDIUS RICHBOURG. Mr. Clarks’s letter below accompanying the document points out further details of genealogical interest:

“I secured from the National Archives at Washington the attached four-page sworn statement of John Richbourg, Sr., made in 1833 in connection with his application for a federal pension based on his service in the Revolutionary War, under the pension law passed in 1821, when John was 85 years old. You will note on line S, page 1, that John Richbourg, Sr., lists Henry, James and Nathaniel Richbourg as being in the same outfit with him and stating that they were his brothers (a fighting family, I would say, to come down from a notable man of religion). John gives his own birth date as August 23, 1747, near the bottom of page 3.

Then, on line 19 from the bottom of page 2, John names one of the officers of his company as Lieut. Fox, whom he said was his uncle. I have seen some references indicating that John’s father (CLAUDIUS) married Unity Ridgill, but your records show it was UNITY FOX, which I believe is correct. If Lieut. Fox was John Richbourg’s uncle I should think his mother had to be a Fox (no pun)…

P. 68 CLAUDIUS RICHEBOURG, who is the subject of a separate sketch, pursued he calling of a planter in the part of Craven County, S. C. which subsequently became Clarendon County.